The real flaw in Prop. 13

By Erica Bleicher, San Francisco| 5/17/2022

Regarding “Bay Area cities where homeowners have saved up to $30,000 on property taxes in the real estate boom” (, May 16): While I applaud Phil Levin for his detailed research on property tax disparities, the most egregious aspect of Proposition 13 is being totally ignored.

The fact that Prop. 13 also subsidizes large commercial property owners to the tune of billions a year is the real thing Californians should be upset about.

Prop. 13 was sold as a way to protect homeowners and remains popular because most people think that’s all it does. The truth is that our archaic property tax system is giving Chevron, Disney and even Donald Trump huge tax breaks they do not receive in any other state in the nation.

If we are pointing out flaws in Prop. 13, we should be highlighting this above all else because all Californians are paying higher taxes and fees to make up for this unjust subsidy to corporations that need it the least.


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