Homes, small business exempt from Prop. 15

By James Nguyen, Sunnyvale | 10/30/20

Regarding "Opinion: Vote no on Prop. 15, the misleading property tax initiative" (Mercury News, October 9): The “No on Prop. 15” campaign will have you think that voting yes will mean increasing taxes on homeowners and small businesses. Nothing could be further from the truth. The passage of Proposition 15 will lead to the closing of a long-standing tax loophole corporations have used to escape paying their fair share of property taxes in California.

Proposition 15 will explicitly exempt homeowners and small businesses. In fact, some businesses could see a reduction in property taxes if the initiative is passed. Proposition 15 will reclaim billions every year for our schools, community colleges, and essential local services like fire departments and health care.

Don’t listen to the lies by corporate interests to protect their tax loophole. Let’s put schools and communities first. Vote yes on Proposition 15.


It's dangerous to underfund fire departments


Landlords charge market rents without paying market taxes. Prop. 15 fixes that