Why Funding Schools Matter!

By Jennica So

Growing up in Oakland, CA with two immigrant parents who didn’t make a lot of money gave me experiences that not a lot of people can connect to. We grew up in a one bedroom apartment off of International Blvd. When my parents decided to have a divorce, we moved into a two bedroom a block away from the local elementary school. It was a pretty underfunded school in an impoverished part of Oakland. After the third grade, my mom was able to buy a house in a nicer part of town. So, one of my brothers and I could transfer to a better school. Classes were a lot smaller and teachers were more interested in where you came from and what your home lives were like. I realized that the books were better, the meals were better, field trips were better, the community with the parents were more hands-on, and so many other things were better funded than they were at my last school.

Switching schools gave me a lot more opportunities than I had at my first elementary school. This was because of how well funded my new elementary school was. Funding makes all the difference in public schools. It provides better materials, a better curriculum, better access to food, more engagement, better teachers, and more help for students who need it. Better funding changes the lives of children because it empowers them to actually want to go to school and want to learn. If each child gets the help they need at our public schools, it will empower them to pursue better opportunities for their futures! When coming to college, I was confused on what I wanted to do. After switching majors to sociology, I was able to share my experience and hear from other students about what they experienced in their communities. My inspiration in class was to study things that I was passionate about. Minoring in child development inspired me to pursue my future dream of one day becoming a teacher. Learning about how kids develop and learning about the access and equity in schooling has opened my eyes that we need to invest in their future!


One of the Lucky Ones


When Community and Education Come Together