Ballot Measure Endorsements

The following are Evolve California’s positions on ballot measures for San Francisco and Alameda Counties. These measures are the most relevant to our work and our organizational values.

San Francisco Measures

Prop A “Affordable Housing Bond”: VOTE YES!!!

Prop. A is a $300M general obligation bond to fund subsidized affordable housing in San Francisco! $240M is allocated for units already in the production pipeline, $30M is allocated to preserve aging sites, and the remaining $30M will add 120 beds for domestic violence survivors. We are experiencing a housing crisis in San Francisco - and the solution IS affordable housing!

Prop B “Police Officer Staffing Levels Conditioned on Amending Existing or Future Tax Funding”: VOTE NO

Prop. B mandates that SFPD is fully-staffed within 5 years, which amounts to adding around 100 officers per year, and offering a $75K hiring bonus to new officers. This measure is now conditional on new funding (most likely a tax). Spending millions more on policing and adding hundreds of new officers will NOT increase public safety in San Francisco — and will most likely harm people of color and other marginalized groups — all while taking millions away from funding for other vital public serves.

Prop C “Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemption and Office Space Allocation”: VOTE NO

Prop. C would waive the transfer tax levied on property transfers from office space to residential uses. This is a blatant corporate giveaway, will take money away from our schools and other public services, and does not prioritize the construction of affordable housing.

Prop E “Police Department Policies and Procedures”: VOTE NO

Prop. E increases police power in SF in a number of ways, including changing restrictions on vehicle pursuits, use of force policies, and limiting restrictions on new technology. It would also allow the police department to use any surveillance technology they deem necessary to investigate a crime for a full year before the Board of Supervisors may potentially disallow it. This measure makes it more difficult for the Board of Supervisors and the Police Commission to hold SFPD accountable.

Prop F “Illegal Substance Dependence Screening and Treatment for Recipients of City Public Assistance”: VOTE NO

Prop. F requires people receiving county welfare who are suspected of being addicted to illegal drugs to undergo testing and obtain treatment. Failure to comply results in ineligibility for welfare. It is unequivocally unjust to criminalize people for struggling with addiction. This will not increase public safety in San Francisco.

Prop G “Math Curriculum Change”: VOTE NO

Why are San Francisco voters being asked to weigh on this? This should be a decision made by the school district and school board. This is not something that should be cluttering up our ballot — we should examine the true motivations behind this being placed before voters. Voting on small curriculum changes sets a bad precedent and is not the way to run a democracy.

Alameda County Measures

Alameda - Measure E “Parcel Tax”: VOTE YES

Measure E is a parcel tax for Alameda Unified School District for "sustaining academic programs, such as reading, writing, math, arts, and sciences; attracting and retaining teachers and school employees; and preparing students for jobs and careers."

Albany - Measure G “Parcel Tax”: VOTE YES

Measure G is a parcel tax for Albany Unified School District to "protect local funding for top notch teachers and excellent local schools."

Berkeley - Measure H “Parcel Tax”: VOTE YES

Measure H is a parcel tax for Berkeley Unified School District divided as follows: 66% of revenue to support high quality instruction (class sizes, course offerings, etc), 27% to support essentials for excellence (resources, libraries, tech, etc), and 7% to create effective student support (counseling, family engagement, etc). 

Hayward - Measure I “Bond Measure”: VOTE YES

Measure I would raise $35.2M annually for the dedicated purpose of updating aging local facilities and classrooms.

San Leandro - Measure J “Bond Measure”: VOTE YES

Measure J bond measure would raise $174M to renovate and construct classrooms, and update much needed infrastructure.

Oakland - Measure D “Increase Spending Limit”: VOTE YES!!!

This would allow Oakland to spend the money that is required by previously approved voter projects — money that the city has in its coffers, but is just locked behind an antiquated appropriations limit. This will give Oakland more resources to spend on important issues like emergency medical services, libraries, public safety, homeless services, children’s programs, and more!

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